This Post - Tip 6: Know what your budget is – and be realistic.
If you’re producing a corporate video for a client, make sure they know they’ll generally get what they pay for. And if you’ve engaged a production company to produce a video, be aware of this. You want to be sure your message in delivered in a compelling way that gets the results you’re after.
A great corporate video is an investment. It should strongly promote your company or your client, enhance your or your client’s reputation and help to generate new business.
If you want the video to impress the viewer, a cheaply produced video can easily leave the wrong impression. You don’t need to hire Steven Spielberg with a Hollywood budget but it pays to use professionals with a track record of delivering the results you want. That takes more than a slick looking video. The producer needs to understand how to best encourage viewers to take the desired action.
If you’re the production company go through the budget with your client thoroughly. If you’re the client, make sure you do this with the production company you hire. The time to address budget issues is before shooting – and spending – begins.
Things to really be clear about are the following:
Pre-Production Days. Allow enough days for preparation: determining what results the video should achieve, the approach, the structure and the content. This preparation can prevent disappointment and bring clarity to the project.
Shooting Days. Don’t book too much on each shooting day. Allow enough time to do things properly. Have a bit of room for delays: traffic, security, late arriving interview subjects, etc. And have a clear policy on what to do if a shoot is cancelled on short notice (what are the cancellation fees?) and how to handle additional shooting days not budgeted for. This can be a common cause of dispute.
Scripting Time. Once everything is shot, allow enough time to write and agree (production company and client) the editing script. This is another step to prevent dashed expectations. Allow time for consultation and changes to the script and get it signed off before editing starts.
Editing Time. Allow enough time to do the edit – and add on at least a day or two for changes. Consultation during the editing process is also important. And again – have a clearly understood policy on additional edit days not in the budget.
Constant dialogue between the production company and the client will reduce the chances of serious issues.
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Until next time…
Happy shooting,